Astronomical Observatory Magašov brejg
The Magašov brejg Astronomical Observatory is located atop a hill of the same name in the area bewteen the villages of Fokovci and Ivanovci, the Municipality of Moravske Toplice, northeastern aprt of the Republic of Slovenia.
The site is twelve kilometres away from the town of Murska Sobota, at the altitude of 343 m above sea level, at the latitude of 46° 44' 12''and longitude of 16° 14' 45''; it is open in all directions, with a great view of the surrounding area. The pollution of light is negligible, with only the lights of the neighbouring town of Murska Sobota disturbing the night skyline on its southern part; due to the neighbouring hill, screening a direct view of the above said town, the observing conditions can be rated 4 to 5 (out of 5); there are very few places in the whole of Slovenia which can boast as low rate of pollution as that.
The observatory comes fitted with a motor-driven dome with a diameter of 4.0 m which makes it one of the larger Slovenian astronomical observatories. It is intended not only for observation of all celestial objects but also for observation of the Sun.
It is used by the members of the Kmica Astronomic Society of Murska Sobota, in that it is also available for the general public, schools and tourists, in short, for all those who are interested in astronomy. Naturally, reservations for observing sessions must be made in advance.
The observatory has been in opeartion since 11th January 2006.